Cajun Cafe`s Bourbon Chicken

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To Make this Recipe You’Il Need the following ingredients:


1 pound chicken leg or thigh meat, cut in bite size chunks

4 ounces soy sauce

½ cup brown sugar

½ teaspoon garlic powder

1 teaspoon powdered ginger

2 tablespoons dried minced onion

½ cup Jim Beam Bourbon Whiskey

2 tablespoons white wine

How to make it :

Mix soy sauce, brown sugar, garlic powder, powdered ginger, dried minced onion, whiskey and white wine together and pour over chicken pieces in a bowl.

Cover and refrigerate (stirring often) for several hours (best overnight).

Bake chicken at 350°F. for one hour in a single layer with the marinade, basting every 10 minutes. Remove chicken.

Scrape pan juices with all the brown bits into a frying pan.  Heat, and add 2 tablespoons white wine. Stir and add chicken.  Cook for 1 minute and serve.

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