“Cracker Barrel” Chicken and Dumplings

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A friend of our family has one request when he comes to visit – he wants chicken and dumplings! It just has a certain je ne sais quoi and when you crave it, nothing else will suffice! It is so easy to make too which makes me very happy!


2 cups Flour

½ tsp. Baking Powder

1 pinch Salt

2 Tbsp. Butter

1 cup buttermilk (If you do not have buttermilk, you can add 1 Tbsp. white vinegar to 1 cup of milk and let it sit for about 5 minutes. This makes a great substitute for buttermilk!)

2 Quarts Chicken Stock

3 cups Cooked Chicken – shredded or cut in pieces (I poach boneless, skinless chicken breasts and then let them cool)


In a bowl, combine the flour, baking powder and salt.

Cut the butter into the dry ingredients with a fork or pastry blender until the texture is like course crumbs.

Stir in the milk, mixing with a fork until the dough forms a ball. You may not use the entire 1 cup.

Flour a work surface very well. You do not want the dough to stick to the work surface!

You’ll need a rolling pin and something to cut the dumplings with. I like to use a pizza cutter. I also like to use a small spatula to lift the dumplings off the cutting surface.

Roll the dough out thin with a floured rolling pin.

Dip your cutter in flour and cut the dumplings into 2 inch squares (approximately). It’s okay for them not to be exact.

Use the floured spatula to put them on a floured plate. Just keep flouring between the layers of dumplings.

To cook them, bring the broth to a boil.

Drop the dumplings in one at a time, stirring while you add them. The extra flour on them will help thicken the broth. Try not to add them too quickly or they try to stick together!

Cook them for about 15-20 minutes or until they are no longer doughy.

Add the cooked chicken to the pot, add pepper to taste and salt if it is needed! Sprinkle a little parsley for color if desired.

If the consistency is too thick for your taste, add more chicken stock!

Nutrition Facts

Servings 6

Amount Per Serving

Calories 366

Total Fat 6 g

Cholesterol 99 mg

Sodium 540 mg

Potassium 1 mg

Total Carbohydrate 32 g

Protein 43 g

Vitamin A 4 %

Vitamin C 3 %

Calcium 8 %

Iron 7 %

* The Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet, so your values may change depending on your calorie needs. The values here may not be 100% accurate because the recipes have not been professionally evaluated nor have they been evaluated by the U.S. FDA.

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