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To Make this Recipe You’Il Need the following ingredients:


2lbs boneless chicken breasts, cut into bite-size pieces

1 -2tablespoon olive oil

1garlic clove, crushed

14teaspoon ginger

34teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes

14cup apple juice

13cup light brown sugar

2tablespoons ketchup

1tablespoon cider vinegar

12cup water

13cup soy sauce


Editor’s Note: Named Bourbon Chicken because it was supposedly created by a Chinese cook who worked in a restaurant on Bourbon Street.

Heat oil in a large skillet.

Add chicken pieces and cook until lightly browned.

Remove chicken.

Add remaining ingredients, heating over medium Heat until well mixed and dissolved.

Add chicken and bring to a hard boil.

Reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes.

Serve over hot rice and ENJOY.

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