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4 tbsp. butter or shortening

5 tbsp. flour

1/4 tsp. sage – OPTIONAL

1/4 tsp. garlic powder

1/4 tsp. black pepper

1 beef boullion cube

1 chicken boullion cube

2 cups water

How to make it :

Boil the water and add bouillon cubes; stir until dissolved. Set aside.

Add flour, sage, garlic powder and black pepper in small bowl. Mix and set aside.

Add butter in saucepan over low heat; heat until butter is melted, stirring as needed.

Add flour mixture to melted butter, stirring constantly.

Cook until it takes on a golden brown color.

Slowly pour the bouillon water to the flour/butter mixture. Stir or whisk constantly to prevent lumps.Turn the heat

up to medium and continue cooking until you have a creamy, pourable gravy sauce.

Serve while hot.

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