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I love Slow cooking, please try this recipe and let me know what do you think about it in the facebook comments.

To make this recipe You’Il Need:


5 slices bacon, finely chopped

3 lbs. boneless beef chuck, cut to 1 inch cubes

1 cup red cooking wine

2 cups chicken broth

½ cup tomato sauce

¼ cup soy sauce

¼ cup flour

3 garlic cloves, finely chopped

2 Tablespoons thyme, finely chopped

5 Medium Carrots, sliced

1 pound baby potatoes (I used tri color)

8 ounce fresh mushrooms, sliced

fresh chopped parsley for garnish


In a large skillet cook bacon over medium high heat until crisp. Put bacon in slow cooker. Salt and pepper the beef and add to the skillet and sear on each side for 2-3 minutes. Transfer beef to the slow cooker.

Add the red wine to the skillet scraping down the brown bits on the side. Allow it to simmer and reduce and slowly add chicken broth, and tomato sauce, and soy sauce. Slowly whisk in the flour. Add the sauce to the slow cooker.

Add garlic, thyme, carrots, potatoes, and mushrooms to the slow cooker. Give it a good stir and cook on low until beef is tender for 8-10 hours or high for 6-8. Garnish with fresh parley and serve with mashed potatoes if desired.

Please if you need more recipes like this like this recipe on facebook and let us know what do you think in the comments!

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