Banana cake without flour, sugar or milk – but with an unforgettable taste

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How about making a easy to make, delicious cake that’s also not bad for you?

This banana cake is a great alternative for people who love eating cake in the afternoon but also don’t want to gain weight.

And it doesn’t contain any white flour — one of the biggest enemies of the waist.

Check out the recipe below!

What you need: 

4 ripe bananas

1 cup olive oil

4 eggs

1 1/2 cups finely cut ​​oatmeal

1 cup raisins

2 tablespoons baking soda

A little cinnamon to your liking


How to make it:

Mix the bananas, eggs and olive oil until the batter is smooth. Add the raisins and mix it some more. Then add the oats, cinnamon and baking soda.

Grease a pan and coat it with oatmeal. Then add the batter and bake it at 350°F (180°C) for 35 minutes. Done!


Simple, healthy and delicious! And it doesn’t hurt that it contains vitamins and minerals from the bananas and oatmeal.

Please share this recipe on Facebook — and if you’re lucky, you might get invited to make this cake in the near future!

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